About Us
What gadgets can do? Here are some…
- Enhance our effectiveness
- Bring happiness to the family
- Make things compact
- Conserving space
- Enjoyable!
They make work easy. They play a substantial duty in the typical people’s life nowadays. Believe it or not.. people so used to it. It becomes really tough for us to think of daily modern life today in the absence of gadgets.
Okay.. okay…! We should talk about us.. why the hell we bother about gadget huh!
Well… we here at Gadget Pro use gadgets, and you who reading this message right now use them as well.. even better than us we guess… but little bit different between you and us, besides using it, may be we are selling gadgets and accessories as well.
Many people out there selling gadgets and accessories like us. We have our own style and we are selling too.
We care deeply about the quality of our products we are selling as we are using. We do our best effort finding the best high-quality products but at a price every one can get. Some products may be branded and well-known and some others may not. We tested every product ourselves from supply company before it selected and put them at our shop. Our featured brand are Remax and Kin Vale besides few other brands. Most of their products are good quality.
We are selling directly to you online, because to offer the best price possible and easy to reach us anytime anywhere even in your holiday at beach. Our shop can be reach at gadgetpro.com.my.
Gadget Pro is wholly owned by Anjung Digital. The company id is 001483452-D.
We can be reach at: No 3A, Jalan 2/1, Taman Sutera, 43000 Kajang. Selangor.
We are contactable by email at customer-care@gadgetpro.com.my or sms or call at 0196455000.
Our Mission is simple: To enhance people’s life.
Our Vision is also simple: To bring gadgets and accessories to people at reasonable price.
Happy shopping…
– Gadget Pro Team